Buy best and quality games published by Blacklist Games at best price

Blacklist Games is made up of a small group of passionate gamers and initially began as an overseas 3D modeling and printing company.
With our resources and innovation, our goal is to create games that are not only exciting, but also unique, thematic and engaging.
In 2016, we acquired the rights to Martial Arts: The Card Game. Then, in 2017, we ran a successful Kickstarter campaign for Street Masters, a fully-cooperative game of martial arts action designed by Adam and Brady Sadler. The game was delivered in 2018, introducing the world to the Modular Deck System (MDS) and receiving universal praise from gamers and critics alike. Our follow-up game, Brook City, a fully-cooperative game of blockbuster cop action, ran a successful Kickstarter campaign in 2018 and was delivered to backers the following year, providing a fresh gameplay experience that truly showcased the versatility of the MDS. We have gone on to run numerous successful Kickstarter campaigns for new titles since then, and our mission is to continue to deliver outstanding games!
Currently, we are working on new titles, as well as on additional content for our existing titles, while also collaborating with different publishers on exciting new projects.
Blacklist Games is based out of Los Angeles, California.