Latest Kickstarters games Available only at boardgamesindia-get it without customs hazzles
Looking for a kickstarter game ? We are the only one retailer in India to offer Kick starter games where you can order kickstarter games without worrying about international shipping and customs.
As a retailer, we back the kickstarter games and bring them to India and offer them at reasonable prices. Most of the time buying from us is cheaper than buying directly and we deliver you without any additional cost.
We are also working as the official Kickstarter hub for VFI Asia, that means any of your direct pledge in kickstarter if handled by VFI Asia may come to us and we ship it to you from our warehouse. Check here about the shipping status of your kickstarter pledge.
Do you want a game which is not listed here ? Please feel free to Contact us and tell us about your requirement. We will try to source them for you and others who may be interested on the same.