Combine forces to thwart evil in Outnumbered: Improbable Heroes, a math-based cooperative strategy game. Absolute Zero and his minions are loose in Megatropolis, trying to capture the powerful Infinity Generator! Assemble your team and strategically plan out your sequence of attacks together. As waves of Villains advance, you must use math skills and unique Hero Abilities to hit target numbers, repelling your nemesis and his minions. Overcome their counterattacks and impose order over chaos!
—description from the publisher
Outnumbered is a cooperative math strategy game for 1-6 players. Waves of oncoming minions are advancing, each one showing a number on it. On each player's turn, they will roll 3 dice, then use math operations and their "Hero Power" create the values shown on the minions, defeating them. Minions will continue to appear and move down the board, defeating the players unless they are stopped in time. Players also have the opportunity to earn Bonus Cards by targeting specific minions, and must withstand Events that will increase the minion forces.
- Publisher: Genius Games
- Model: GOT 1304
BGG Link: | BGG Link |
Game Categories: | Children's Game | Comic Book / Strip | Dice | Educational | Fighting | Math |
Game Mechanisms: | Action/Event | Cooperative Game | Dice Rolling | Pattern Recognition |
Game Family: | Theme: Superheroes |
Game Designer(s): | Matthew Tidbury |
Game Artist(s): | Sarah Lafser |
BGG Rank Overall: | 14065 |
BGG Weight Filter: | <2 |
Combine forces to thwart evil in Outnumbered: Improbable Heroes, a math-based cooperative strategy game. Absolute Zero and his minions are loose in Megatropolis, trying to capture the powerful Infinity Generator! Assemble your team and strategically plan out your sequence of attacks together. As waves of Villains advance, you must use math skills and unique Hero Abilities to hit target numbers, repelling your nemesis and his minions. Overcome their counterattacks and impose order over chaos!
—description from the publisher
Outnumbered is a cooperative math strategy game for 1-6 players. Waves of oncoming minions are advancing, each one showing a number on it. On each player's turn, they will roll 3 dice, then use math operations and their "Hero Power" create the values shown on the minions, defeating them. Minions will continue to appear and move down the board, defeating the players unless they are stopped in time. Players also have the opportunity to earn Bonus Cards by targeting specific minions, and must withstand Events that will increase the minion forces.
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