The Emergence of Shy Pluto is the first installment of Space Base "Saga Expansions." This expansion to Space Base is a collection of story-based scenarios that introduce new content to the game via a narrative structure. Not only are new ships added, but new scenarios are included as well. Once the story is completed, it may be replayed or the contents may be added to the Space Base base set.
- Publisher: Alderac Entertainment Group
- Model: AEG7040
- SKU: AEG7040
BGG Link: | BGG Link |
Game Type: | |
Game Categories: | Dice | Expansion for Base-game | Science Fiction | Space Exploration |
Game Mechanisms: | Card Drafting | Dice Rolling | Scenario / Mission / Campaign Game |
Arrival / Restock Date: | 06/06/2021 |
Game Family: | Admin: Better Description Needed! | Game: Space Base | Mechanism: Tableau Building |
Game Designer(s): | John D. Clair |
Game Artist(s): | Chris Walton |
BGG Rank Overall: | 0 |
BGG Weight: | 2 |
BGG Weight Filter: | 2 to 3 |
A strange new galactic body has emerged within the Milky Way. The greatest minds of The United Earth Services find themselves bewildered by the sudden appearance of Shy Pluto. Get the crews to their stations — it's time to deploy your ships.
The Emergence of Shy Pluto is the first installment of Space Base "Saga Expansions." This expansion to Space Base is a collection of story-based scenarios that introduce new content to the game via a narrative structure. Not only are new ships added, but new scenarios are included as well. Once the story is completed, it may be replayed or the contents may be added to the Space Base base set.
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